Monday, March 31, 2014

Make your Henna Tattoo shine before a Bat Mitzvah

Add some color to a Bat Mitzvah with some henna

Henna LA and a Bat Mitzvah

You would want your daughter’s first bat mitzvah to be special. The religious ceremony is a great time for friends and family members to get together. How about thanking your guests and making this once in a lifetime event special for your daughter by hiring a henna artist for the coming of age ceremony?

A nice Henna work
An amalgam of Mediterranean
and Asian Styles

Of course, you and your daughter can also henna your hands before the ceremony. Just remember, unlike traditional tattoo designs, henna tattoos look different on every person. Factors such as body chemistry, temperature and the particular area where the paste is applied have a lot to do with how dark the stain will be. 

An elegant and exquisite Henna work

For example, henna that is applied on the hands or feet stains darker as compared to if it is applied on the softer skin on back or upper arm. Here are other ways in which you can get the most out of your henna tattoo.

For the Best Effect

Heat and Moisture

The warmer your body temperature is, the darker the stain will be. This doesn’t mean that you should make an appointment at the local sauna. A hot drink is all it takes to make your body warm up before the henna artist arrives at your place. Steaming the area when the henna artist is done will also make the design stand out on your skin.

A nice red symmetrical art work

Dry skin will leave a lighter stain. And anyway, the design won’t look good on skin that seems cracked. Therefore it’s best that you keep your hands moisturized with lotion several days before your henna appointment. This will soften your hands and the henna will stain better.


If you have some olive oil or lemon juice, its best that you use them to rinse off the dried paste instead of water. If that isn’t an option, you can always scrape the dried henna off yourself. Wait a full 24 hours before attempting the feat. This will give you the best result. Also ensure that the paste is completely dry. Once you take the paste off the design will be orange and will darken to brown eventually.

Avoid exfoliation after the paste comes off. Washing the dishes with your bare hands and with corrosive soap will only make the design fade faster; so it’s best that you wear gloves before that. The less you touch the area, the better the results.

Make your little girl’s bat mitzvah special by hiring a henna artist for the occasion. Her friends will appreciate the gesture and are sure to show off their tattoo designs or rave about the celebration at school. 


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