Friday, August 15, 2014

Turn that Frown Upside Down with a Henna Crown

Losing one’s hair is a devastating part of chemotherapy. Some patients even end up losing their hair permanently. Henna artists who are experienced in creating exquisite designs work to make the change a little less frightening and more empowering by drawing beautiful henna crown right on the heads of former cancer patients who have lost their hair due to the devastating disease. 

Henna Crown by Henna By Salma

The art is also a hit with people who suffer from Alopecia. Alopecia is an autoimmune disease that results in partial and in worse cases, total hair loss. It is the latter that is the most devastating as is to be expected. Henna crowns give their self confidence a much needed boost.
Provided that it is made with natural ingredients Henna paste is perfectly safe that is, unless it is black henna. Black or red henna comes in cones and contains harmful chemicals such as PPD. 

An artistic approach to Henna Crown
You are not your hair Event-LA
If you are wondering, PPD is used in hair dye. Plus it has devastating effects on the skin if you happen to be allergic to it. Think of a blistering oozy henna design. The stuff is anything but 100% pure henna.

Henna Crown Side View - by Henna By Salma

Make no mistake. If a henna design starts is pure black it has PPD in it. You can’t afford to have something like that on your skin especially after you just got out of a traumatizing experience like cancer. You do not need a doctor to tell you that.

However, it is still best that you consult with your doctor before you get a henna crown of your own. The art is equally recommended for patients who are still undergoing treatment,Only when henna artist use natural henna and water paste.

You Survived, you Conquered

A henna crown means so much more than a simple design that makes your scalp look amazing; it means that you are celebrating who you are and what you have been through. 

A Beautiful Scalp
It celebrates the fact that you have conquered a disease that might have ravaged your body, but never came close to breaking your spirit. 

Be a queen in your own right. You can turn yourself into a walking work of art by hiring a henna artist who always makes their own fresh henna paste.

Bird Design - by Henna By Salma

Losing your hair due to cancer or any other reason is hard. 

There is no doubting the fact. But hiding your head with a scarf or a wig all the time means that you have something to hide. 

Style With Henna

You have nothing to be ashamed of. Cancer or Alopecia might have taken your follicles but it will never dampen your fighting spirit.


Author & Artist (Right) - Salma

A beautiful henna crown is a great way to show the world just that. 
Have you or anyone you know lost their hair because of Cancer or Alopecia?

Help them celebrate their life anew by recommending a henna crown.